Monday, August 17, 2009

Motivation For Work And Life

Do you need some motivation for work and life that will make you stop and think about how you can make a difference and be an example at work or home? Learn how to make everyday a great day by being that person who always has a smile on their face and that people are drawn to. Speak positively and have an attitude that exudes confidence and gratefulness in every situation!
We hope this also helps you and gives you a chance to focus on what you can offer to your employer, team and family.
1. Contribution. What you give is most likely what you will receive in return. Seek out and determine what you can contribute to your team or work environment. Be engaging at work and that will lead you to experience higher levels of engagement at home and in your community. Whether you work virtually or on-site, be an active part and extend your brilliant contributions.
2. Responsibility and accountability. If it is to be it is up to we! Hold others accountable for their engagement while at the same time take responsibility for your own engagement. Encourage others to continue to contribute and elevate employee engagement and interaction. Step up to the plate and be accountable and responsible.
3. Master your personal energy. Your energy is your core raw material for engagement. Find ways to increase your levels of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual energy while also ensuring you take time for energy recovery. You must learn how to find ways to disengage from work to recharge and rejuvenate ourselves for the work ahead. So do something for yourself and have FUN, relieve that stress and focus on tasks that you know will de-stress you.
4. Be strong! People who know what their strengths are use them on a daily basis and use them in the service of others. In doing so, people report higher levels of authentic happiness at work. What are your gifts or qualities you bring to your work and what activities do you engage in that strengthen you? Know your strengths while also knowing what strengthens you!
5. Own your work. There is a great deal of truth to the statement: nobody washes a rented car. Some people make their marks while others sign their names (deep). Make your work a signature of who you are! Be authentic, honest, and ethical and leave an impression on others by showcasing the person you truly are!
6. Get rid of the "if only". Stop the "if only" thinking and do what you can with what you have wherever you are! Don't postpone your engagement efforts waiting for the perfect opportunity. If only my company would do this, if only my supervisor would recognize me, if only I had a different job. Cease that negative thinking and practice the great advice from the NCAA basketball coach, John Wooden: don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do!
Remember to focus on the positive things in your life and what you can contribute no matter what the situation is. Be the one that makes a difference and end that negative energy and feelings and you will see a tremendous change in your life and your employment. Always give specifically whatever it is you need!
Deb Lamb/Owner and Founder of Your Everything Services. Offering Quality, Professional Virtual Administrative Services for your business and personal needs. I am a very passionate, prophetic, God loving, happy, peaceful, thankful and grateful person. I love my life and the people in it! Due to some life experiences, heartaches and life struggles, my zest and passion has been to help others in similar situations. Please feel free to reach out to me when you need an empathic ear and answers.

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